Species: Dog
Condition: Acute Moist Dermatitis
Organ System: Nervous/sensory

Commonly known among dog owners as “hot spots”, the problem is often seen in dogs with long hair or breeds with dense undercoats. Local hypersensitivity reaction to a specific antigen such as flea bites can give rise to acute moist dermatitis. Other potential causes include atopy, food allergies, mites, arthritis, anal gland disease, and ear infections. Typical circular lesions develop on the head, side of the chest, and over the hip. Most of these will be inflamed, raw, moist, and hairless. The dog may suffer from pain and may lick, bite or scratch the affected area thereby aggravating the inflammation and irritation. Treatment is directed at stopping the increase in size of the hotspot while eliminating the cause. Clipping the hair over the lesions allows air to get in and make it easier to clean and apply medications. In severe cases, your veterinarian may recommend a round of antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory medications.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
For Petmed Pet Health Insurance – pre-existing condition exclusion applies. Annual Benefit Limits and excess amounts vary based on pet health insurance plans.

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