Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency in dogs

Species: Dog
Condition: Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency
Organ System: Cardiovascular

Also called Canine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (CLAD), the condition is an immunodeficiency disease, with leucopenia as the most distinct feature. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in Irish setters. It is caused by the absence of two leucocyte surface glycoproteins—CD11b and CD18. Affected dogs show increased susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections. Diagnosis is based on molecular testing. A successful treatment regimen involves transplanting reduced intensity allogeneic bone marrow from normal littermates that have been pre-matched. The use of hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy has also gained positive results.

Breeds exposed to Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency – Research Reference
Beagle Cross – (Snyder et al. 1995)
Beagle – (Snyder et al. 1995)

Disease Author
Dr Merliza Cabriles, Professor of Veterinary Medicine

To learn more about Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency or any other condition we invite you to search this website. Even better, pick up the phone and call your vet. Your vet knows your pet better than anyone else and is a fountain of information.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
For Petmed Pet Health Insurance – pre-existing condition exclusion applies. Annual Benefit Limits and excess amounts vary based on pet health insurance plans.

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