Factor VII Deficiency in dogs

Species: Dog
Condition: Factor VII Deficiency
Organ System: Cardiovascular

Factor VII deficiency is a coagulation disorder in dogs wherein there is deficiency in the clotting factor Proconvertin (Factor VII). It has been reported in Airedale Terrier, Alaskan Malamute, Alaskan Klee Kai, Giant Shnauzer, Scottish Deerhound, and Beagle. Affected dogs usually do not manifest any symptoms but they may have the tendency to bleed excessively after surgery or trauma, hematoma formation, body cavity bleeding, and persistent uterine and vaginal hemorrhage. Factor VII deficiency can be inherited or acquired (in association with impaired liver function). Treatment of dogs with the deficiency involves use of frozen plasma or recombinant factor VII.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
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