Hermaphroditism in dogs

By April 29, 2015 Airedale Terrier, Airedale Terrier Cross, Akita Inu, Akita Inu Cross, American Akita, American Akita Cross, American Cocker Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel Cross, Basenji, Basenji Cross, Basset Hound, Basset Hound Cross, Beagle, Beagle Cross, Bearded Collie, Bearded Collie Cross, Cavoodle, Dachshund - Long Haired, Dachshund - Long Haired Cross, Disease, Doberman Pinscher, Doberman Pinscher Cross, Dobermann, Dobermann Cross, Dog, English Springer Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel Cross, Golden Doodle (Groodle), Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever Cross, Irish Red and White Setter, Irish Red and White Setter Cross, Irish Setter, Irish Setter Cross, Japanese Akita, Kerry Blue, Kerry Blue Cross, Labradoodle, Labrador, Labrador Cross, Labrador Retriever, Labrador Retriever Cross, Maltese, Maltese Cross, Miniature Dachshund, Miniature Dachshund - Smooth Haired, Miniature Dachshund - Wire Haired, Miniature Dachshund Cross, Miniature Dachshund- Long Haired, Miniature Poodle, Miniature Poodle Cross, Nervous/sensory, Newfoundland, Newfoundland Cross, Old English Sheepdog, Old English Sheepdog Cross, Pekingese, Pekingese Cross, Poodle - Standard, Poodle - Standard Cross, Poodle - Toy, Poodle - Toy Cross, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rhodesian Ridgeback Cross, Rottweiler, Rottweiler Cross, Saluki, Schnauzer Giant, Schnauzer Standard, Schnauzer Standard Cross, Schnoodle, Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu Cross, Spoodle, Springer Spaniel, Springer Spaniel Cross, WOLF/ WOLF HYBRID No Comments

Species: Dog
Condition: Hermaphroditism
Organ System: Nervous/sensory

A congenital anomaly in development of the reproductive organs as a result of sex chromosome abnormalities. Affected animals can be true hermaphrodites; they have completely developed both male and female reproductive organs. On the other hand, pseudohermaphrodites have reproductive organs of only one sex, but the can display features of other sex as well. All such animals are usually infertile and are often very prone to development of genital cancers and infections. It is rather simple to diagnose the anomaly and the vet will suggest surgical correction (neutering) of the condition to prevent further heath issues.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
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