Species: Dog
Condition: Prolapsed Uterus
Organ System: Urogenital

A condition that is likely to occur after the delivery of the last puppy, and also during pregnancy, where it can lead to spontaneous abortion. The problem is rare among female canines, but can affect dogs of all breeds and ages. Possible causes include birth complications, inflammation of the uterus, polyps or cysts, some of the placenta remains in the uterus after whelping, or when birth of puppies are forced through extraction by hand or specific devices. A distinct sign of the problem is the protrusion of a mass from the dog’s vagina. Line of treatment involves the use of antibiotics, supportive therapy, and manipulation of the uterus back into the abdominal cavity of the dog. Spaying may be recommended as the last treatment of resort.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
For Petmed Pet Health Insurance – pre-existing condition exclusion applies. Annual Benefit Limits and excess amounts vary based on pet health insurance plans.

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