Species: Dog
Condition: Pyloric Stenosis
Organ System: Respiratory

Pyloric stenosis is a disorder which is almost unique to the Boston terrier and the Boxer. It is characterized by frequent vomiting after eating. This is caused by a narrowing (stenosis) of the pylorus, the region of the stomach through which food and liquid pass into the small intestine. Very mild cases can be treated by feeding small, frequent, highly digestible meals. More severe cases require surgery. Most dogs recover well and go on to enjoy full and active lives but should not be used for breeding. Ideally you should contact the owner(s) of your dog’s parents to stop breeding from them and their other children.

Breeds exposed to Pyloric Stenosis – Research Reference
Miniature Dachshund Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Alsatian Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Airedale Terrier Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Fox Terrier Smooth Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Chihuahua Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Boxer Cross – (Matic 1988)
British Bulldog Cross – University of Sydney (LIDA Dog Disease Database)
Samoyed Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Beagle Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Fox Terrier Wire Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Sussex Spaniel Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Scottish Terrier Cross – (Buchanan 1963)
Mastiff Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund- Long Haired Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Wire-Haired Terrier Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
German Schnauzer Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
German Shepherd Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
West Highland White Terrier Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund – Smooth Haired Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund – Wire Haired Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Airedale Terrier – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Beagle – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Chihuahua – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Cocker Spaniel – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Fox Terrier Smooth – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Fox Terrier Wire – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
German Schnauzer – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
German Shepherd – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Mastiff – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Samoyed – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Sussex Spaniel – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
West Highland White Terrier – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Alsatian – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund – Wire Haired – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund- Long Haired – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Miniature Dachshund – Smooth Haired – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Spoodle – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Wire-Haired Terrier – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
British Bulldog – University of Sydney (LIDA Dog Disease Database)
Keeshond – University of Sydney (LIDA Dog Disease Database)
Bullmastiff Cross – (Hogan 2002)
Keeshond Cross – University of Sydney (LIDA Dog Disease Database)
Spoodle Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Cocker Spaniel Cross – Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD)
Scottish Terrier – (Buchanan 1963)
Bullmastiff – (Hogan 2002)
Boxer – (Matic 1988)

Disease Author
Dr Merliza Cabriles, Professor of Veterinary Medicine

To learn more about Pyloric Stenosis or any other condition we invite you to search this website. Even better, pick up the phone and call your vet. Your vet knows your pet better than anyone else and is a fountain of information.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
For Petmed Pet Health Insurance – pre-existing condition exclusion applies. Annual Benefit Limits and excess amounts vary based on pet health insurance plans.

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