Truncal Solar Dermatitis in dogs

Species: Dog
Condition: Truncal Solar Dermatitis
Organ System: Integument

A condition where sunburns occur on the dog’s trunk, including the dog’s back or belly. It is caused by direct UV injury to skin cells. Most dogs with the habit of basking in the sun usually suffer superficial burns. Severe cases of sunburn may result in deep partial thickness burns. Light-colored or hairless dogs are more predisposed to the condition compared to other dogs. Breeds that are commonly affected include Dalmatian, Basset hound, Beagle, American Staffordshire terrier, and Boxer. Lesions are observed to wax and wane depending on the duration and intensity of exposure to sunlight. Cases usually increase during the summer months.

This information is accurate as at May 2014 and is subject to change without notice.
For Petmed Pet Health Insurance – pre-existing condition exclusion applies. Annual Benefit Limits and excess amounts vary based on pet health insurance plans.

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